Trump Supporter Jon Voight: If Blacks 'Can Be Educated' They'd Vote Donald Trump

Jon Voight echoes thoughts that many Trump conservatives hold.

I've always been a Jon Voight fan as far as his acting goes, (Ray Donovan) but when it comes to politics, he's simply loonie tunes.

Voight, who has been relentlessly attacking President Obama since he was elected, including saying he was starting a civil war, joined Sean Hannity and told the talk show host that if black people "can be educated" they'd vote for Donald Trump.

He said, "Like I think it's so important Donald Trump went to that black church and spoke to the black people directly. And if they can be educated they certainly will come over to the side of Donald Trump and the Republicans."

Poor black folks don't no nuttin' massa!

That reminded me of Ann Coulter shocking Donny Deutsch, when she stated that Jews needed to be perfected.

Media Matters has the transcript:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Have you been invited by the Trump people to do anything with them?

JON VOIGHT: Yes, I have done a couple of things. I went on a little tour with Dennis Prager and Hugh Hewitt and Sheriff David Clarke and Michael -- I trying to remember. Anyway, but we went on this little tour -- Mike Gallagher, who's the greatest.

HANNITY: I love Mike, he's awesome. No, Mike is awesome.

VOIGHT: But anyway we had a good time and we went from state to state, and talked to very enthusiastic, large crowds. But the thing is, you've got to get to the other folks. You've got to get to these folks. Like I think it's so important Donald Trump went to that black church and spoke to the black people directly. And if they can be educated they certainly will come over to the side of Donald Trump and the Republicans.

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