What Bridgegate Allegations? Chris Christie Co-Hosts Sports Talk Show

Gov. Chris Christie hid his head in the sand on a local sports talk show this morning.

After the news broke yesterday from Bridgegate prosecutors and the defense team that Gov. Chris Christie was aware of the bridge closings as they were happening, the governor decided to co-host WFAN's Boomer and Carton sports talk program as if nothing happened.

Gov. Christie, a notorious Cowboys fan then made believe his buddy Jerry Jones' team didn't even play and win a game on Sunday.

What happened to the bully?

Co-host Chris Carton introduced Gov. Christie as a dear friend, so he knows what just transpired regarding the Bridgegate trial.

Chris: "I'm doing great. I would have been doing a little better if [Noah] Syndergaard had thrown strikes last night. Here's the thing. I'm watching the games all weekend, and this is a great weekend, when I get to come in on Tuesday, the Mets sweep the Twins in dramatic fashion, great win. And my fantasy football team kicks your team's ass, we kill you. We beat you like a rented mule and then Syndergaard crapped the bed last night."

Carton replied, "You almost had it all lined up."

Christie: "All weekend I was loving it."

Carton: "The only thing that went wrong for you in the last four days, is the fact that last night..." [Eagles won]

Christie: That's it, otherwise everything was lining up perfectly. Yankees got swept, Mets sweep the twins, and what are the chances that right before I come in here, my fantasy team plays your fantasy team"

Governor, why no mention of the Dallas Cowboys in your opening segment? Is it because you didn't want to face the music from angry NY Giants fans that reside in your home state?

The Boomer and Carton show routinely weighs in on topics not related to sports so I was surprised in the opening segment that there was nary a mention of the new Bridgegate revelations, even after Carton told him the last four days had been perfect.

I guess this bully is only a bully when he's confronted by public school teachers.

Confronting sports fans? Not so much.

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