Bill O'Reilly To Trump: 'Undermining Our Electoral System Is Not A Patriotic Thing'

Is there any evidence that Trump is actually patriotic?

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly spent most of his Talking Points Memo backing up many of Trump's claims that the election is rigged against Donald, but then said this, "Undermining our electoral system is not a patriotic thing."

The mangled apricot hell beast will not be happy, BillO.

As always, when there is no proof of any wrong doings, Trump supporters like Bill, fall back on the "appearance of impropriety" or the "optics" of such, which includes James Comey and the FBI.

And of course O'Reilly claimed that when Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on a plane sitting on the tarmac, that was very bad optics as well. "Did I mention Attorney General Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton during the investigation? I mean, come on."

Yes, come on!

He continued, "Again, the vote cannot possibly be rigged, and Mr. Trump should accept whatever happens in two weeks unless there is compelling evidence of corruption. Undermining our electoral system is not a patriotic thing."

Doesn't Bill O'Reilly understand that Donald Trump is not a patriot in the truer sense, but a narcissist?

Narcissists only do what they believe is in their own self-interests, Bill.

Like when the Republican Party in multiple state legislatures pass voter ID laws to suppress the Democratic vote. Exactly like that.

And how convenient that you have forgotten completely your own network pushing that "voter fraud" myth since at least 2008. Really.

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