Carol Costello Abruptly Ends Segment After Trump Supporter Brings Up Bill Clinton's 'Love Child'
CNN's Carol Costello had enough of the chairman of the Utah Republicans after he claimed Bill Clinton had a love child. She ridiculed him and then ended the interview.
"It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Trump Zone. --- The Twilight Zone
Sorry Rod Serling, but this is where we are at this point in the presidential election of 2016.
CNN's Carol Costello had on James Evans, chairman of the Utah Republican Party and Peter Corroon, the chair of the Utah Democratic Party, to discuss how negatively the red state of Utah is responding to Donald Trump's campaign, since polling of all five candidates has Hillary tied with Donald at 26%.
The segment started by focusing on the two new allegations of sexual improprieties of Donald Trump.
James Evans was skeptical of the allegations and said, "Clearly there is a character lynching against Donald Trump."
He then pivoted (as all Trump surrogates do) back to wondering if Hillary Clinton feels that Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones should be believed.
Costello ignored the Bill Clinton smears and turned to Peter Corroon, who said he was hopeful that for the first time in fifty years, Utah will turn blue.
Costello then asked Evans if it was the fallout between Trump and Romney that has him struggling in Utah.
Evans responded that Utah will never turn blue, agreed the rift with Romney was problematic and then the segment went off the rails.
Evans complained about a "double standard" and whined that "when there's an accusation against Bill Clinton, Hillary covers it up."
And then Evans dropped a bomb and said, "I want to make this one last point if i could. I'm looking forward to the interview you will have with Bill Clinton's illegitimate son and ask Hillary Clinton --
Costello clearly became agitated with his stupidly and said, "No, no, no, come on, oh, please - no - that's just rubbish. He does not have an illegitimate son. You have no proof of that."
Evans replied, "How do you know this?"
Costello said, "You just talked about people talking salacious and you drop that one on national television? Oh, come on."
Costello was embarrassed by his words and said, "I gotta go. End it here."
And the segment ended.
Recently The Drudge Report started pimping out a story about Bill Clinton having a love child, which initially back in 1999, Drudge was the one who actually refuted the story.
By the way, Carol Costello showed other TV hosts how you handle liars spewing lies on national television.