Donald Trump Joins Bill O'Reilly: Unshackled Is Just Another Word For Unhinged

Not in this order, Paul Ryan is weak, John McCain has a potty mouth, Trump went to Ivy league schools and Hillary was proud over the birth of ISIS

Wow, just wow.

Now that Trump has gone the "Full Bannon," he's even more incoherent and angrier than before.

Donald Trump joined his old pal on the O'Reilly Factor Tuesday night and Bill asked him what it means to have the "shackles taken off."

Trump didn't have any real explanation other than to bash Speaker Paul Ryan for ditching him after the sex tape came out.

"Paul Ryan, open borders and amnesty and bad budgets by the way, very, very bad budgets..."

Apparently Trump knows nothing about the House Freedom Caucus nut jobs or the budget.

"What shackles did you have on?"

"The shackles are some of the establishment people that are weak and ineffective people within the Republican party. Senators and others and Paul Ryan..."

"They were holding you back?"

"Not a question of holding back, no, but they're not giving support."

He's clueless about his own talking points.

Bill kept probing to get a coherent answer and asked, "Are you going to be more outspoken?"

Trump laughably said, "I don't think I'm that outspoken to be honest with you."

Donald's very upset that he's not getting the support from Republicans that he needs and then said he wouldn't take his support now even if he crawled back.

"I don't want his support, I don't care about his support."

Now that Paul Ryan has broken up with you, you don't want him back? It's like he's an ex-wife.

With no sense of irony about his own history with female employees, Bill O'Reilly asked Donald Trump, "How are you going to win back women that were offended by the recent exposition on Access Hollywood? Do you have a plan to get those women back?"

This angered Trump. He snarled, "Well, first of all, it's all locker room talk and most people have heard it before. I've had a lot of women come up to me and said boy, I've heard that and heard a lot worse."

Which women, Donald? Your campaign staff, methinks?

Then he went on a long ramble, at the end admitting that if the tape is why he lost, "if that's why I'm gonna lose an election to crooked Hillary, If that's what it takes to lose an election I'll be pretty sad."

Awww, poor Donnie.

O'Reilly tried to drill into his head that "women are the key" to this election.

Trump then went into deep Karl Rove denial and said, "I'm not sure I believe it, " when it comes to his dismal polling numbers with women.

Bill asked, "Do you have any plan to speak to women?"

Apparently Trump thinks the only thing on women's minds when it comes to his behavior is, build the wall and arrest Black people. No, really.

He said. "What women want is, they want secure borders they want safety they want law and order. They want a police dept that's allowed to do their job, they want justice for all
Hillary Clinton can't do it. She's failed at everything she's done..."

O'Reilly defended Hillary for not being in charge of foreign policy since she was Obama's SOS.

Trump said, "She was there at the proud birth of ISIS, I'm sure she was very proud of it."

O'Reilly was careful to steer Trump away from really unloading on Sen. John McCain, "You attacked McCain...he didn't like the tape thing."

Trump said, "He's never heard salty language before? John McCain, who has probably the dirtiest mouth in all of the Senate.."

Trump said if elected president, "Paul Ryan wouldn't be Speaker... maybe a different position."

Yep, in the end, Donald Trump declared that as President, he would re-arrange the positions within House leadership. Because he does not have the civics knowledge of a C-grade fifth grader.

But hey, it was certainly an "unshackled" performance on Trump's part! He spewed every Breitbart fevered dream he could remember.

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