Donald Trump Whines To Michael Savage: Hillary Talks Too 'Tough' To Putin

Donald Trump acts as Putin's PR flack while talking to a conservative talk show host.

Donald Trump acted like Putin's own phony PR flack (named John Miller/John Barron?) when talking to conservative radio host Michael Savage.

He claims that Hillary and President Obama are too tough and mean to Vladimir Putin.

No, really.

Trump was asked about Putin and Russia by the conservative firebrand, who suggested the left wants war with our Cold War adversary.

Trump's answer: "She talks tough with Russia, she shouldn't be talking so tough."

Said the man who repeatedly claims Hillary isn't tough enough.

He added, "They insult him constantly — I mean, no wonder he can’t stand Obama and Hillary Clinton.”

“It is the worst situation that we’ve had with Russia since the end of the Cold War, by far.”

“If I win on Nov. 8, I could see myself meeting with Putin and meeting with Russia prior to the start of the administration.”

Spoken like a man beholden to a foreign government? Ya think?

I wonder what they'd talk about? Maybe laugh and laugh how the FSB orchestrated the hacking of our election.

Oh, look, a Russian hacker was arrested in Prague.

A man identified as a Russian hacker suspected of pursuing targets in the United States has been arrested in the Czech Republic, the police announced Tuesday evening.

The arrest occurred two days before the Obama administration formally accused the Russian government of stealing and disclosing emails from the Democratic National Committee and other institutions and prominent individuals.

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