Eric Trump Tells ABC News He's Not 'Living In Bubble' Of Their Own Support

Eric Trump believes Facebook likes, Twitter followers, Trump signs and rallygoers are an accurate measuring stick for a presidential campaign.

Eric Trump joined ABC's This Week earlier today and when asked by host George Stephanopoulos about the lagging poll numbers, Eric said he doesn't "give much credence to The Washington Post's polls, right?"

After bantering for a few minutes, Stephanopoulos asked if Eric is not viewing the election in the reality that it's taking place in, "...most polls do show most Democrats going for Hillary Clinton right now. Do you think you might be living in -- in -- in a bubble of your own support?"

Eric went on to say that their rallies are tremendous and many Democrats he talks to are voting for Trump so...he's winning!

I think we can safely say Eric Trump is living in a campaign bubble.

Stephanopoulos said, "So you don't think you're fighting from behind right now?"

Eric sorta conceded that there was a chance Donald is behind but pivoted to a story about the millions and billions of Democrats who are supporting Trump at his rallies as his bellwether and said, "The amount of Democrats that I have coming up to me every single day and saying I've been a Democrat my entire life, my entire family is made up of Democrats, we're coming out and voting for you..."

Eric continued, "I mean we're getting the -- the union votes, we're getting the law enforcement votes. I mean so many of these votes had always traditionally gone to the Democratic Party and I can tell you, we're getting 90 percent of those..."

Stephanopoulos can read the average of all the polls and asked if Eric was stuck in a Trump ground game bubble and said, "most polls do show most Democrats going for Hillary Clinton right now. Do you think you might be living in -- in -- in a bubble of your own support?"

Eric replied, "No, I don't -- I don't think so at all. He had 10,000 people in Cleveland. You know, Hillary and -- and Tim Kaine, they were in Pennsylvania. They had 600 people in a gym. I mean the -- the enthusiasm levels are just totally -- totally off the charts."

Asked about Trump's spirits after the Al Smith debacle, Eric said, "I just came back from North Carolina and I just came back from Ohio -- I mean you can't drive, George, 500 yards without seeing another Trump sign. You don't see a single Hillary sign. I mean the enthusiasm differential between the two candidates is just -- it -- it's not even -- it's not even close. And I think you're going to see that on election day."

Believing how many Facebook likes, Twitter followers, Trump signs and rally-goers are an accurate measuring stick for a presidential campaign is naive at best and deluded at worst.

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