Gov. Mike Pence Refuses To Respond To Quesions On How Trump Is Treating His Accusers

"I'm trying to deal with what your candidate is saying on the stump in real-time right."

Gov. Mike Pence joined CBS' Face The Nation earlier today and refused to answer or discuss any questions revolving around the new wave of Trump sexual abuse accusers or how Trump has been treating them publicly and instead attacked the media and the Clinton campaign.

The headline on the CBS website says: "Mike Pence discusses Trump's treatment of assault accusers," but that never happened.

Host John Dickerson repeatedly tried to get Gov. Pence to address Trump's behavior on the stump and asked. "One of the claims you're making about Hillary Clinton is the way she treated Bill Clinton's accusers. Donald Trump is treating these accusers pretty roughly himself."

Pence responded by saying Donald Trump denied the allegations.

Dickerson continued, "But what about the treatment of these people coming forward, sir?"

Pence deflected to Hillary and said, "What about calling half of our supporters a basket of deplorables?"

Dickerson said, "So it's okay if Hillary Clinton does it? Do two wrongs make a right?"

Gov. Pence then launched into a tirade against Hillary and the media instead of answering the question.

Dickerson then asked, "I'm trying to deal with what your candidate is saying on the stump in real-time right."

John Dickerson wasn't even asking Gov. Pence to comment on the many newer allegations, but Trump's behavior towards them and he still deflected.

John then addressed Trump's proclamations that the election is "rigged"

"Now another thing he's saying is the election is rigged. My question is: Is that a responsible thing for a candidate to say?"

After again claiming that the media is in the bag for HRC, Gov. Pence finally responded to the "rigged" question and said, "The outcome of this election, John, let me be very clear, Donald Trump said in the first debate that we'll respect the will of the American people in this election, the peaceful transfer of power is a hallmark of American history, and elections get really tough."

And then he launched into another tirade against the media because they are reporting on all Trump's sexual abuse allegations.

"Well, I think what Donald Trump is talking about is, frankly, what appears to be the monolithic support of the national media for Hillary Clinton's campaign. Their willful ignorance about the avalanche of hard evidence..."

Dear, Pence.

Donald Trump launched into "the election is rigged" conspiracy long before the many women came forward with their accusations of sexual impropriety and he wasn't blaming the media at the time.

Trump surrogates and campaign operatives live in the world of deflection and denial. They'll make a claim against the Clintons and then excuse Trump and each other for doing the same thing they are attacking Hillary over and then refuse to comment on their actions.

If the Trump campaign and their surrogates refuse to answer basic questions by the media, why have many of them on TV at all?

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