Kansas Trump Supporter Leaves CNN's Brooke Baldwin Speechless
Brooke had no words after Vicki Sciolaro was finished with her.
Vicki Sciolaro, Trump supporter in Kansas, joined CNN's Brooke Baldwin today to advocate for her candidate, and boy howdy, did she.
She led right out of the gate by claiming Hillary Clinton is a murderous, baby-killing witch who lives to dismember fetuses before she turned to why she's ready to defend Donald Trump in spite of his sexual abuse admissions on the sex tape released last week.
Brooke Baldwin brought her back around to the question at hand -- whether what Trump said makes a difference.
"He's not running to be the pope. Look at the culture of our country," Sciolari scolded. "Everybody knew he had strip clubs, but still the millions of people chose him to be the nominee."
"And look at our culture. It's filled with a bar, strip club on every corner."
I don't know where she lives, but there aren't any strip clubs in my city, much less on every corner. Is that a thing in Kansas?
She went on to extol her own virtues. She doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, is a stolid Midwestern family lady with the same husband and four kids. Amen, amen. And then she explained why Donald Trump needs to be our next President, which appears to be her conviction that God can use anybody, even proto-fascists like Trump.
"God can use anybody," she proclaimed. "He used the harlots and that's okay. It's all about what God can do. God can do this. God can use this man."
And what would a True Believing Trump supporter be without making Hillary Clinton the clone of her husband, right? After claiming Bill Clinton "educated her children at an earlier age than she wanted," Baldwin reminded her that Hillary Clinton is running for office.
Sciolaro responded, "But his wife is. His wife is. And they are a pair. The two are one."
I hope her husband is a saint of epic proportions.
At that point, Baldwin cut off the conversation, saying "This is the 2016 presidential election."
This, then, is your prototypical "evangelical" Trump supporter. Behold.