Kellyanne Conway Pushed By Wallace To Answer Rumors She's Grown Uncomfortable With Trump
Trump's campaign manager denied she looks like Rudy Giuliani!
Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager tried to ignore the many attempts of Fox News Sunday's host Chris Wallace made trying to get her to explain why she cancelled her appearances on his show after the release of the Billy Bush sex tape.
Wallace asked, "There are suggestions you have grown uncomfortable with Donald Trump and his campaign. From our personal experience, you were pulled twice from this show around the time that there were all these allegations about women saying that he had groped them."
He also backed up that premise by asking her why she cancelled her appearance on his show the morning after and Rudy Giuliani showed up in her place.
Chris also asked her about a re-tweet she made and Kellyanne used that for not responding to the discomfort issue she has with Trump.
Kellyanne instead pivoted to her tweeting patterns and then launched into a long-winded praise of Trump's crazy late-term abortion answer during the final presidential debate.
Conway said, "I retweeted it because I was so excited that Donald Trump, for the first time in the 20-some years I’ve been working on pro-life messaging actually in front of tens of millions of people worldwide gave the most impassioned defense of life that I’ve ever heard from a Republican presidential candidate. It was amazing to hear him say"
She continued, "Donald Trump said on live TV in front of you that Hillary Clinton would rip the baby from the womb, that it's okay to have a late-term abortion."
This proposition has been used by the extreme right wing anti-abortion zealots, including the nuts from Operation Rescue, who were linked to the phony Planned Parenthood tapes and it comes right out of the fever swamps of that movement.
During the final presidential debate in Nevada, when Trump was asked if he wanted to personally overturn Roe v Wade, he refused to answer and instead replied, "If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby."
"Now, you can say that that's okay and Hillary can say that that's okay. But it's not okay with me, because based on what she's saying, and based on where she's going, and where she's been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month on the final day. And that's not acceptable."
What's not acceptable is this completely unhinged, non-factual insistence on there even being ninth month abortions. THEY DON'T EXIST. This is crazy talk for a presidential candidate, but not for an AM hate talk show host or an anchor on Trump TV.
Wallace pushed again on and said, "Well, just real quickly, the fact was we were told as recently as like a Saturday night that you were going to be doing our show at the height of the whole scandal. And then, suddenly, Rudy Giuliani showed up the next morning. And you don't look like Rudy Giuliani."
Conway replied, "I love the mayor. It doesn't mean I was pulled."
Maybe it was just her "day off".