No One Respects Women More Than Trump Calling Condi Rice The 'B' Word In 2006

Maybe Trump Just Has A Problem With Female Secretaries Of State? Not a secret recording, but during a speaking engagement in 2006.

No One Respects Women More Than Trump Calling Condi Rice The 'B' Word In 2006

He can't blame the microphone or Billy Bush this time...

Deadspin found a NY Daily News article from 2006, that quotes Donald Trump calling then Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, a quote, "bitch" in a keynote speech.

Corresponding by email to CNN, Rice responded to Trump's insults by saying, "Exactly. Can't wait until November 9!"

Donald always seems to save his harshest words for women. And note that this was during a speaking engagement -- not "locker room" talk.

And as Deadspin noted:

The problem, of course, is not that Trump criticized Rice, but that, when presented with the long, illustrious list of possible complaints, the only one that seems to have stuck out to him was “woman.” Trump could have called her floated Condi Rice as a potential VP for Trump.

How times have changed.

Here's how the NYDN article described Trump's speech to the Learning Annex Real Estate & Wealth Expo.

Donald Trump sounded like he would fire Secretary of State Rice if he got the chance - calling her a “b——” last night during a speech in front of 8,000 people at the Javits Center. Trump, star of “The Apprentice” and a frequent critic of the Bush administration, unleashed his anger at Rice and outgoing Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld during a keynote address at the Learning Annex Real Estate & Wealth Expo.

Side note: Wonder how much he got paid for that speech and if he deducted his expenses or charged them to his foundation. Is there a full transcript available? Nevermind.

“Condoleezza Rice, she’s a lovely woman, but I think she’s a b——,” Trump said to wild applause. “She goes around to other countries and other nations, negotiates with their leaders, comes back and nothing ever happens.

Again, his specific complaint is, she's ineffective. Yet his specific word for her? Is misogynistic. It's a pattern with Trump that will never, ever end.

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