RNC Spox Screams At Andrea Mitchell: 'Everybody Is Rushing To Her Defense!'

Sean Spicer needs a few deep breaths, and maybe a drink.

If you're going to lie about things, I suppose the way to do it is by screaming lies at the person beside you to make them seem more plausible, right? At least, that's the Sean Spicer technique.

During an appearance with Andrea Mitchell today, Spicer lost his temper and started screaming lies about whose computer the FBI was looking at, and more.

See, it's really not Comey's fault, because Spicer says Huma testified under oath that she had turned over all devices and emails. And then it went downhill from there.

"Let me pause to give you the answer," Mitchell intervened. "Huma Abedin said that wasn't her laptop that it was Anthony Weiner's laptop. She was not aware she had any e-mails at all on the laptop."

Mitchell tossed him a bone by adding, "Obviously something is awry here and we're about to find out from the FBI."

So far, all we know about the FBI is that there are apparently emails where the metadata indicated they had some connection to Clinton's email server. We don't know who sent them, or what they were about, but Abedin testified that she would often forward articles to herself to print on her own printer for Clinton, who didn't like reading long articles on a screen.

For all we know, they could also have been congratulatory messages to Abedin and Weiner on the birth of their child, or their marriage. Because as Marcy Wheeler explains so well, they are only relying upon metadata right now.

Enough with the facts, let's move on to the screaming and yelling phase.

Spicer shouted back, "I appreciate how the media always runs to their defense, but let's -- she is saying my husband, who was involved in a sexting scandal had access to a computer I wasn't aware about that may or may not involved classified information. That is quite the defense!"

"You've made a leap to classified information," Mitchell pointed out.

Spicer lost it. "Hold on. I cannot believe that we are sitting around having a discussion about the fact that her defense is, well, my husband may have been sexting with underage women. I didn't realize he may or may not have had access to a computer I had, which may or may nod have had classified information," he shouted. "This is mind-blowing. Everybody is rushing to her defense!"

"Sean, I'm not leaping to anybody's defense," Mitchell shot back.

Becoming more and more shrill, Spicer yelled, "No! Everybody is!"

At this point, Mitchell put on her mom voice and suggested Spicer take a breath and calm down, but of course he won't, because this is why he was on MSNBC with her in the first place. He had one job -- to make sure to use the word "sexting" several times and pretend everyone gave a damn about Anthony Weiner, the soon-to-be ex-husband of Huma Abedin.

No one does, but it makes for drama and distraction. As usual.

[h/t TPM]

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