Rush Limbaugh: Paris Climate Change Accords Want To Steal Hurricanes Away From God

Rush Limbaugh is as much a conspiracy theorist as Alex Jones.

Rush Limbaugh hasn't met a natural disaster that he couldn't turn into some form of a Liberal conspiracy.

Limbaugh was whining today after the Paris Climate Accord moved forward, that with these agreements, the UN believes it will be able to control the weather.

NBC's Ron Allen thinks climate deal is designed to stop storms like Hurricane Matthew. These are acts of God. Do you have an insurance policy on your home or anything? You know the force majeure, the “act of God,” which is events that you can’t control, that man has no say-so over? Hurricane is one of those, but I guess the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is going to steal the purview of hurricanes away from God.

And next we’re going to go on, we’re going to stop war with climate -- Look, the long way around telling you that there is politics in everything. There’s politics in the weather. There’s politics in the forecasting of the weather. There’s politics in hurricanes. There’s politics in the forecasting of hurricanes because there are votes.

I never know what's more pathetic concerning Limbaugh: that there's a huge audience for his lunacy, or that the Republican Leadership in Congress kow-tows to his every word. Yes, the two are related. But elected leaders are supposed to lead, not rescind the policy arm of their party to a rehab'd loudmouth and his stupid listeners. But hey, that's your party, Mr. Ryan.

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