SNL Spoofs The Final Presidential Debate In The Cold Open And Introduced Trump TV!

Alec Baldwin, Tom Hanks and Kate McKinnon nailed Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Chris Wallace in the last presidential debate of 2016 for Saturday Night Live!

Tom Hanks portrayed Chris Wallace as the final presidential debate moderator for the 2016 general election for Saturday Night Live and it was hilarious as always.

Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon were terrific once again playing Donald and Hillary to a tee.

Trump began by stating, "In the past, I have been big and loud, but tonight, I am a sweet little baby Trump."

When Hillary called Trump out for choking on Mexico and being Putin's puppet, Baldwin cut in and said, "Wrong, trademark." Liar, trademark."

"Sniff, sniff...Mosul is sad."

Trump...errr...Baldwin began rambling about ISIS until he made no sense and said, "I don't know if you could tell, but I was really spinning out of control."

When Baldwin...errr...Trump said nobody had more respect for women than he did, the studio audience erupted in laughter and Hanks...errr....Wallace told them to "settle down."

When Trump attacked Hillary for not doing anything in thirty years, Wallace got pissed and said, "Donald, no, no, Donald, don't set her up..."

Hillary smiled and said, "I'd be happy to talk about the last 30 years..."

"Oh, no. Not again."

"Back in the 1970s, I worked for the children's defense fund."

"Yes, we know."

Check it out to see how Baldwin handled Trump's "rigged election" conspiracy theory...

Oh, and don't miss the big announcement for Nov. 9th.

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