Van Jones On Pence: 'He Invented A Running Mate And He Just Lied'

Just wait till the fact-checkers get going, Mike Pence.

CNN's pundit panel was pretty unanimous that Mike Pence won the debate, because he didn't interrupt and wasn't as dogged as Kaine.

Van Jones wasn't as sure, and I tend to agree with him on this one.

Speaking of small and big communications sins, Jones said, "The small sin is to interrupt all the time, and Kaine was guilty of that sin."

He continued, "But that's a small sin compared to the larger sin, which is to just lie."

"And what happened was you saw in real time essentially Pence invent a running mate and he just lied about you know what this guy stood for. The guy that Pence has as a running mate might get a bunch of votes."

"That guy's just not Donald Trump, so i think the fact fact-checking avalanche is about to fall on the head of Mike Pence to erase his gains tonight," he concluded.

You watch. As soon as the Clinton campaign starts rolling out the videos of Pence lying about what Trump said and did right next to Trump saying and doing those things, the wheels will come off the whole "Pence Won" train. Just wait and see.

Jones is absolutely right about Pence "inventing a running-mate," too, and his real running mate isn't all that happy about it.

This meme popped up shortly thereafter:

When Trump gets alone with his phone and his temper, another tweetstorm might ensue. We will watch.

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