Bernie Sanders Challenges Trump To Admit He's A Liar Or Nominate A Decent HHS Secretary

Sanders is calling on Trump to admit he's a liar or stick to what he promised.

Bernie Sanders isn't going to take Trump's Health and Human Services nomination quietly. In fact, he's ready to demand our orange-faced lying sh*tgibbon President-elect admit he's a damn liar or else withdraw his nomination.

Sanders' press office just sent this statement:

Donald Trump asked workers and seniors to vote for him because he was the only Republican candidate who would not cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – programs that are of life-and-death importance for millions of Americans. Now, he has nominated a person for secretary of Health and Human Services, Rep. Tom Price, who has a long history of wanting to do exactly the opposite of what Trump campaigned on. Rep. Price has a long history of wanting to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. What hypocrisy!

Mr. Trump needs to tell the American people that what he said during the campaign were just lies, or else appoint an HHS secretary who will protect these programs and do what Trump said he would do.

Greg Sargent estimates that at least 5 million Trump voters will be harmed just by the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Millions upon millions more will be harmed by the gutting of Medicare.

Nancy Pelosi has already laid the markers for battle.

In an interview with me, House Dem leader Nancy Pelosi argued that history might repeat itself, if House Speaker Paul Ryan — with Donald Trump’s blessing — makes good on his hints to press forward with his plans to privatize Medicare. Pelosi vowed that Democrats would remain united in the battle to stop Ryan’s plan, a goal she described as crucial to defeating it, just as unity enabled Demsto block Bush’s Social Security plan.

“At that time, we committed to each other that we would be unified and disciplined,” Pelosi said. “Bush had just been elected. He gave us an opportunity by saying he would partially privatize Social Security. Everybody stuck together. The opportunity that we have now is the equivalent of the opportunity we had in ’05.”

In that 2005 fight, Pelosi recalled, Democrats actively avoided developing an alternative plan to Bush’s. Instead, Democrats said their plan was to defend Social Security, a very popular government program. At the time, some Democratic strategists warned against uncompromising opposition. But the gamble paid off. Observers noted that Bush’s plan sank in popularity as Dems remained unified behind a refusal to budge in defense of Social Security, a move that was widely credited with helping to put Dems on track to winning back Congress in the 2006 elections.

We will need to defend Social Security and Medicare like our lives depend upon it. Because really, they do.

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