Christiane Amanpour Warns Journalists: 'I Believe In Being Truthful, Not Neutral'

As she accepted an International Press Freedom Award, Amanpour had stern warnings for the press and for the future of journalism in the United States.

Christiane Amanpour has always been one of the most straight-shooting journalists on the air and in print. She accepted an award Tuesday for lifetime achievement from the Committee to Protect Journalists.

During her acceptance speech, she warned about the danger to journalists in the United States, and about how "neutrality" has compromised truth. She also called upon journalists to "recommit to robust fact-based reporting without fear or favor -- on the issues."

The video above is a small snippet from an impromptu interview she gave at UNESCO. There isn't video of her Tuesday speech that I could find, but the full transcript is below, via CPJ.

I never in a million years thought I would be up here on stage appealing for the freedom and safety of American journalists at home.

Ladies and gentlemen, I added the bits from candidate Trump as a reminder of the peril we face.

I actually hoped that once president-elect, all that that would change, and I still do.

But I was chilled when the first tweet after the election was about "professional protesters incited by the media."

He walked back the part about the protesters but not the part about the media.

We are not there but postcard from the world: this is how it goes with authoritarians like Sisi, Erdoğan, Putin, the Ayatollahs, Duterte, et al.

As all the international journalists we honor in this room tonight and every year know only too well:

First the media is accused of inciting, then sympathizing, then associating--until they suddenly find themselves accused of being full-fledged terrorists and subversives.

Then they end up in handcuffs, in cages, in kangaroo courts, in prison--and then who knows?

Just to say, Erdoğan has just told my Israeli colleague Ilana Dayan that he cannot understand why anyone's protesting in America, it must mean they don't accept--or understand--democracy! And he thinks America, like all great countries, needs a strongman to get things done!

A great America requires a great and free and safe press.

So this above all is an appeal to protect journalism itself.

Recommit to robust fact-based reporting without fear or favor--on the issues.

Don't stand for being labelled crooked or lying or failing

Do stand up together--for divided we will all fall.

The historian Simon Schama, in the house tonight, told me early on that this was not just another election, and we cannot treat it as one.

And he says if ever there's a time to celebrate, honor, protect, and mobilize for press freedom and basic good journalism, it's now.

At the start of this campaign, a network news president said this phenomenon may not be good for America but damn good for us.

During an interview on my program this summer, the film-maker and historian Ken Burns asked me what would Edward R. Murrow do?

First, like many people watching where I was overseas, I admit I was shocked by the exceptionally high bar put before one candidate and the exceptionally low bar put before the other candidate.

It appeared much of the media got itself into knots trying to differentiate between balance, objectivity, neutrality, and crucially, truth.

We cannot continue the old paradigm--let's say like over global warming, where 99.9 percent of the empirical scientific evidence is given equal play with the tiny minority of deniers.

I learned long ago, covering the ethnic cleansing and genocide in Bosnia, never to equate victim with aggressor, never to create a false moral or factual equivalence, because then you are an accomplice to the most unspeakable crimes and consequences.

I believe in being truthful, not neutral. And I believe we must stop banalizing the truth.

And we have to be prepared to fight especially hard for the truth in a world where the Oxford English Dictionary just announced its word of 2016: post-truth.

We have to accept that we've had our lunch handed to us by the very same social media that we've so slavishly been devoted to.

The winning candidate did a savvy end run around us and used it to go straight to the people. Combined with the most incredible development ever--the tsunami of fake news sites--aka lies--that somehow people could not, would not, recognize, fact check, or disregard.

One of the main writers of these false articles--these lies--says people are getting dumber, just passing fake reports around without fact checking. We need to ask whether technology has finally outpaced our human ability to keep up.

Facebook needs to step up

Advertisers need to boycott the lying sites.

Wael Ghonim, one of the fathers of the Arab Spring, dubbed the social media revolution, now says:

"The same medium that so effectively transmits a howling message of change also appears to undermine the ability to make it. Social media amplifies the human tendency to bind with one's own kind. It tends to reduce complex social challenges to mobilizing slogans that reverberate in echo chambers of the like-minded rather than engage in persuasion, dialogue, and the reach for consensus. Hate speech and untruths appear alongside good intentions and truths."

I feel that we face an existential crisis, a threat to the very relevance and usefulness of our profession.

Now, more than ever, we need to commit to real reporting across a real nation, a real world in which journalism and democracy are in mortal peril, including by foreign powers like Russia paying to churn out and place false news, and hacking into democratic systems here and allegedly in upcoming crucial German and French elections too.

A quick anecdote from out there: in the 1997 Iranian elections, the reform candidate won and the establishment ayatollahs were caught totally off guard. One of them asked me later how I was so sure and when did I know that Khatami was going to win. I told him, as soon as I got on the ground and started talking to people! Just saying.

We must also fight against a post-values world.

And let me hit back at this elitist backlash we're all bending over backwards to accommodate.

Since when were American values elitist values? They are not left or right values. They are not rich or poor values, not the forgotten-man values.

Like many foreigners I have learned they are universal. They are the values of every American from the humblest to the most exalted. They form the very fundamental foundation of the United States and are the basis of America's global leadership. They are brand America. They are America's greatest export and gift to the world.

So yes, like so many around the world, I was shocked--very few ever imagined that so many Americans conducting their sacred duty in the sanctity of the voting booth, with their secret ballot, would be angry enough to ignore the wholesale vulgarity of language, the sexual predatory behavior, the deep misogyny, the bigoted and insulting views.

Gov. Mario Cuomo said you campaign in poetry and govern in prose. Perhaps the opposite will be true this time around.

If not, I will fight as a journalist--as we all must--to defend and protect the unique value system that makes these United States--and with which it seeks to influence the world.

The conservative radio host who may be the next White House press secretary says mainstream media is hostile to traditional values.

I would say it's just the opposite. And have you read about the "Heil, victory" meeting in Washington, DC this past weekend?

Why aren't there more stories about the dangerous rise of the far right here and in Europe?

Since when did anti-Semitism stop being a litmus test in this country?

We must fights against normalization of the unacceptable.

A week before the heated Brexit referendum in the U.K., the gorgeous, young, optimistic, idealistic, compassionate MP Jo Cox, a remainer, was shot and stabbed to death by a maniac yelling "Britain first." She was particularly sensitive to the plight of Syrian war refugees.

At his trial, the court was told the accused had researched information on the SS and the KKK.

Just a few weeks ago, her husband, Brendan, now raising their two tiny toddlers, expanded for me on an op-ed he'd written:

"Political leaders and people generally must embrace the responsibility to speak out against bigotry. Unless the center holds against the insidious creep of extremism, history shows how quickly hatred is normalized. What begins with biting your tongue for political expediency, or out of social awkwardness, soon becomes complicity with something far worse. Before you know it, it's already too late."

So now the solutions!

Somehow, the war of attrition in this country has to end. You've all seen the results of this election. It's very close. The nation is very divided, and angry.

Are we in the media going to keep whipping up that war--or are we going to take a deep breath and maybe have a reset?!

It matters to us out there abroad too.

For better or for worse, this is the world's only superpower. Culturally too.

The political example, the media example set here, are quickly emulated and rolled out across the world.

We, the media, can either contribute to a more functional system or to deepening the political dysfunction.

Which world do we want to leave our children?

In the same way, politics has been driven into poisonous partisan and paralyzing corners, where political differences are criminalized, where the zero sum game means in order for me to win, you have to be destroyed. What happened to compromise and common ground?

That same dynamic has infected powerful segments of the American media.

Like it has in Egypt and Turkey and Russia, where journalists have been pushed into political partisan corners as we see here tonight--delegitimized, accused of being enemies of the state.

Journalism itself has become weaponized. We have to stop it.

We all have a huge amount of work to do, investigating wrongdoing, holding power accountable, enabling decent government, defending basic rights, actually covering the world--Russia, Syria, North Korean nukes.

Can't we have differences without killing each other off?

As a profession, let's fight for what is right.

Let's fight for our values.

Bad things do happen when good people do nothing.

In the words of the great civil rights leader, Congressman John Lewis:

"Young people and people not so young have a moral obligation and a mission and a mandate to get in good trouble."

So let's go out and make some.

And especially--let's fight to remain relevant and useful.

Perhaps contemplating the long weekend ahead,

Let's resolve not to be turkeys voting for Thanksgiving!

Happy holidays, everyone.

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