CNN Host To Trump Advisor: 'You Love Transparency When It's Not You Guys'

If Trump loves transparency so much, why doesn't he release his tax returns and emails?

Trump's communications advisor Jason Miller, was put on the spot by CNN's Chris Cuomo for his hypocrisy -- demanding the FBI release all of the newly discovered emails, but floundering on Trump's refusal to release his tax returns.

Cuomo said, "You love transparency when it's not you guys."


On CNN's New Day this morning, host Chris Cuomo explained James Comey's decision to uphold his July findings and said, "..they had seen them before and there is no new information and you don't accept it. You're shaking your head, no."

Jason Miller was not buying Comey's latest announcement exonerating Clinton. "No. Don't accept it. They should release all the e-mails and let us have a look before election day. We think that would be the smart thing to do."

Cuomo replied, "You love transparency when it's not you guys. You don't see any irony in that. Why don't you release your emails? Why don't you release Trump's tax returns if you think transparency is such a good thing?"

Miller used the typical Trump talking points. "As soon as his audit is completed, those will be released."

Cuomo continued, "Do you think anybody believes the audit thing?"

And then Cuomo asked, "Do you have any proof of an audit?"

Why has it taken until now for anyone in the media to ask that simple question?

Miller laughed and said, "Yes, of course."

"Have you seen an audit letter?"

Miller tried to change the subject back to the Clinton Foundation, but Cuomo refused to bite and said, "Transparency only works one way in this election where Trump is involved.

"I'll show you an audit letter I got."

Once again Miller changed the subject.

That's how you deal with a Trump surrogate when it comes to "transparency."

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