CNN's Chris Cuomo On Trump: 'He Shows Them (Neo-Nazis) A Respect He Shows No One Else'
The CNN host clearly stated that Trump shows neo-Nazi the type of respect he doesn't show anyone else he denounces.
CNN's Chris Cuomo is mystified that Donald Trump denounces the Alt Right /neo Nazi/David Duke factions of the Republican Party only in a general way, while others who do not support his presidency get named specifically and without hesitation.
On CNN's New Day, Cuomo asked, "If something bothers Donald Trump, you know it immediately and in detail, and yet, these hand-raising haters, these neo-Nazis -- call them alt-right, call them whatever you want, you know who you know what they're about. You know it's bad."
He continued, "He does not denounce them the way he does anything and anyone else that he doesn't like. Why. Tell me why?"
Trump supporter John Phillips bemoaned the two party system, which will bring you supporters you don't like: "Unfortunately, those huge tents involve a lot of nuts."
Then he played both-siderism card and said, "The left has a lot of people with a lot of boutique ideas."
Phillips is equating lefty "boutique ideas," whatever that means, to anti-Semitic and violent people?
Phillips said Trump did denounce them as far back as 2000 because he knew David Duke was part of the Reform Party.
What's also interesting is that Phillips called neo-Nazis, "jerks" as opposed to what they really are. A vile and dangerous hate group.
Cuomo has taken issue with what Trump hasn't said when he tries to separate himself from white nationalism.
Cuomo said, "John, you know that he doesn't call out David Duke by name. You know he's never mentioned any of these movements by name and the man does not lack for detail when he wants to criticize you."
He continued, "These are people raising their hands in a Nazi gesture, okay. This isn't just a little bit off the beaten path. Yet, it's being ignored to a certain degree by a lack of specificity. it doesn't bother you?"
Phillips replied, "He has denounced them."
Cuomo said, "Not by name. Not by name. He shows them a respect he shows no one else."
This is so true.
Trump once tried to tell CNN's Jake Tapper that he didn't know anything at all about white nationalists or David Duke.
And we know that is a lie.
I wonder if John Wayne Gacy supported Trump, Donald would say 'outside of murdering young men and burying them in his backyard, he was a very good clown.'