Conway: Clinton Better Watch Out Or Trump Will Lock Her Up

It is as if she said, "That's a nice little life you have there, Secretary Clinton. Be a shame to have it ruined."

Kellyanne Conway's sinister suggestion on CNN's State of the Union this morning seems like something that needs greater scrutiny during Senator Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing.

During a conversation with Dana Bash, Conway made it plain that if Clinton wasn't going to play nice with regard to the recount, that prosecuting her for imagined email crimes might be back on the table.

Or, as Digby put it, she put a horse's head in Hillary's bed.

And so he said he wouldn't rule it out. He said it's just not his focus right now. I think he's being quite magnanimous and at the same time he's not undercutting at all the authority and the autonomy of the Department of Justice, of the FBI, of the House Committees, who knows where the evidence may lead if, in fact, it were -- if the investigation were re-opened somewhere.

But this is the president-elect's position right now and I would say he has been incredibly gracious and magnanimous to Secretary Clinton at a time when for whatever reason her folks are saying they will join in a recount to try to somehow undo the 70 plus electoral votes that he beat her by. I mean this -- you know, I was asked on CNN and elsewhere, goodness a thousand times, will Donald Trump accept the election results? And now you've got the Democrats and Jill Stein saying they do not accept the election results. She congratulated him and conceded to him on election night. I was right there. And the idea that we are going to drag this out now where the president-elect has been incredibly magnanimous to the Clintons and to the Obamas is incredible.

Three times with the word "magnanimous." The man won, and yet he's the "magnanimous" one?

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. But it is right in line with Trump's vindictive, hateful personality and his bitter need to prosecute people -- particularly women -- who cross him.

Tyrant Trump.

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