Fox Hosts Tangle Over Trump: 'You Called The President-Elect A Racist'

How dare he?

Eric Bolling and Juan Williams had a bit of a tiff on Fox News over whether it was right of Williams to call Donald Trump a racist. As if this is somehow a deep, dark secret or an invention similar to Glenn Beck's contention.

As if Trump wasn't endorsed by the KKK, Stormfront, and other white supremacists.

Yet, this is the conversation they had, because Eric Bolling was very, very angry with Juan Williams for calling it as he saw it.

"Juan, you called the president-elect a racist last night," Bolling scolded.

When Williams reminded Bolling that even the Venerated Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said that too, Bolling and Kim Guilfoyle ganged up on Williams, scolding him further for saying That Thing Which Is Completely True.

After a bit more back and forth, Williams finally got exasperated and cut them off, saying. "You know what? You can't ask people to shut up and close their eyes to who Donald Trump is."

Indeed. Nor should we. This is a national emergency. We have to stay clear-eyed and vigilant. No media, whether Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, NBC News or CBS News should get a pass for normalizing fascism and hate. Not one.

I promise you we're watching and we'll be calling it out with regularity.

(h/t Media Matters)

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