Fox News Trump Supporter: 'President Obama, Himself Was A Racist'

To Trump supporters, President Obama was the only real racist in America.

Fox News' Abby Huntsman was interviewing a Trump supporter about Trump's victory and the protests from Wednesday night and he said, "I hate to say it but when President Obama got elected, things started going downhill because he himself was a racist."

Only black people are racists!

Fox and Friends aired a segment featuring Abby Huntsman, who was down in a Florida diner talking to a group of four older, white, evangelical Trump supporters.

The older ladies talked about how much they prayed for Donald Trump to win and said, " I know that all the other churches were praying as well."

Huntsman then asked a gentleman about the protests that had happened against Trump's victory Wednesday and he surprised her when he went off on a racial tangent.

He began by saying our kids are getting brainwashed in schools and colleges and said, "they're rewriting history."

Abby asked, What's your message to them?

He said, "Grow up. These young, disrespect for the law. Disrespect for authority."

"Have you ever seen it before?"

He replied, "Not since, I hate to say it but when President Obama got elected, things started going downhill because he was himself was a racist. That's harsh but he was."

"He defended every, every black person that caused a crime but he wouldn't say anything if they…,”

Abby jumped in and said, "I don’t know that Obama is a racist,” and he said, “Well, I’m saying his policies were racist..."

Wanting to save the auto industry, dig out from the global financial meltdown and provide healthcare to all Americans certainly is racist in the extreme.

The only violent protests that happened when Obama took office were from the tea party.

Back in 2009, Glenn Beck told his Fox News audience that President Obama, "has a deep-seated hatred for white people."

In 2014, Beck apologized for those moronic remarks, but the damage had already been done because he wasn't the only Fox News personality or talk show host that chose to go that route.

Eight years later and many Americans still can't wrap their heads around an African American being our president.

To justify their unease about their feelings, they paint the black man as the racist.

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