If Ann Coulter Has Anything To Say, Nikki Haley Is Toast
Ann Coulter let it be known that Nikki Haley is not a choice for any role in the Trump administration.
Ann Coulter hates South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. It's unclear why, but she does.
So when Haley's name was floated for Secretary of State in one of the ridiculous leaks coming from King Trump's Ivory Tower, Coulter was ON IT.
Her reference to "Indian" there refers to Haley's parents, who immigrated from India.
As Mediate notes, this isn't the first time Coulter has gone after Haley. It's all about the fact that she's a daughter of immigrants, apparently. And a woman, possibly.
It’s not the only time Coulter has brawled with Haley. She endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio ahead of the South Carolina primary, and Coulter lashed out in response saying Haley was “determined to … replace those awful sons of the Confederacy with Bangledeshi migrants.”
Last year, she said the South Carolina governor was “an immigrant and doesn’t understand America’s history.” In January, Coulter called her a “bimbo” who was “accidentally elected because she’s pretty and isn’t very bright.” She said that Trump should “deport” her. In August, she trashed Haley for her decision to authorize a bill last year to remove the Confederate flag from the South Carolina State House grounds.
Or maybe it's that Confederate flag thing. Yeah, that's probably it. Along with Haley's brownness.
All snark aside for a moment, the space Trump made for racists to be out-racists, to openly express their hate for people who have come here from other countries, for them to express their neo-Nazi instincts publicly is really disquieting. We are going down a road that leads to a very, very dark place. Where no one is respected but the authoritarian reactionaries who have a vested interest in Making America White Again.
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