Katy Tur Explains Trump's Personal Attacks Against Her: 'It's A Wild Ride'

MSNBC's Katy Tur explains what it's like to have thousands of Trump supporters booing her.

Donald Trump has been attacking the media and individual reporters since his campaign started, mostly because they don't cover his campaign as if they are on his payroll.

And he's singled out a female target more than any other: Katy Tur of MSNBC.

Trump attacked her personally yesterday during a Florida rally. For some reason Trump is fixated on the number of rallygoers that show up to his events, as if that's some sort of breaking news that overwrites the Electoral College.

Of all the things to complain about, this one is as mindless as most of his rants.

In the past Katy Tur had to be escorted out of a Trump rally by the secret service in fear for her safety.

Wednesday night, Brian Williams asked Tur how she's been dealing with this kind of abuse.

Tur said, "It's been a wild ride for about a year and a half and it is a unique experience to have an entire crowd people booing you. It's especially unique when they're actually saying your name and looking directly at you. And that's what happened today."

She continued, "Donald Trump was complaining about this idea that he has, that the press doesn't show his crowds, which is just factually untrue."

Tur also called Trump on his lies abut this insipid point. "Donald Trump also does know this to be incorrect, he's joked in private with reporters about how he understands how the pool camera works."

Tur explained that there's one camera that focuses on the candidate and doesn't move for obvious reasons.

She continued, "And he's joked how he knows how a pool camera works. So this is a shtick that he does to rile up his base. It's to give them an excuse for polls that might not be in his favor..:"

Trump lies like no other candidate, ever.

It's a dangerous shtick that could end up hurting Tur and other reporters covering the Trump campaign.

It's interesting that he's singling out a female reporter though. Innit?

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