The Night America Lost Its Mind

We are walking in dark, uncharted territory right now.

It's a dark day indeed for the left and I dare say the country after Donald Trump pulled an upset and won the presidential election of 2016.

Watching the election coverage Tuesday evening was painful to follow as pundit after pundit tries to explain what was happening.

I'm very tired right now, but here are a few thoughts...

The James Comey letter did irreparable and irrevocable damage to a presidential candidate ten days before the general election. After he dropped his horrific bomb, the polls turned. That's a fact.

The hacks by foreign entities and bad players into the DNC and Clinton's camp supplied a steady diet to Wikileaks,Trump's surrogates and the media, verified or not, was unconscionable as well.

Month after month, cable news decided it was a brilliant idea to televise almost every single entire Trump rally into the homes of America.

It's no wonder Trump didn't have to spend much money on his campaign or ads. Why should he? An entire political party couldn't afford the amount of air time he was freely given.

What Trump did was put on a vaudevillian act, barely stringing coherent sentences together, but what words he did manage to enunciate played into the fears ordinary Americans have.

The media helped normalize the ravings of a narcissist and it didn't cost him a dime.

Then the media hired a swath of political surrogates and Trump supporters that were just as despicable as their candidate.

They were on every night justifying Trump every step of the way as well vilifying the Clintons like no others. But, both sides.

I know now that sexually assaulting a woman and grabbing her "p-----y" is just boys being boys with a little locker room talk thrown in. Who hasn't done it, am I right?

Applying a lip lock on an unsuspecting woman is just all in good fun. Just grow a pair.

Calling Mexicans rapists and criminals and Syrian refugee children ISIS sleeper agents is our new immigration outreach program.

The KKK is a progressive left group.

Giving nukes to Japan and Saudi Arabia is the new norm in foreign policy and forcing NATO to pay protection money is just the tip of the iceberg.

Charles Pierce writes: This Is the Worst Election Night of My Life

In 2000, I knew George W. Bush was incompetent to run the country, I had been a registered independent up to that point, but registered as a Democrat.

That night in Florida was horrifying, but seeing a man as vile as Trump win the highest office in the land is even worse.

Our C&L team, myself and the country is exhausted from six hundred days of continuous campaign coverage.

But we are here to stay.

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