Obama Stops Crowd From Shouting Down Heckler At Hillary Rally
And then gave four reasons for why they should respect him.
Behold the difference between an adult response and Donald Trump. At a rally for Hillary Clinton today, a Trump protester got up and started shouting at the president. The very enthusiastic and excited crowd immediately began to shout the protester down.
President Obama was having none of it. Instead of calling for the Trump supporter to be tossed out, he spent a few minutes getting the crowd to back down and then he explained why they should have respect for him.
"You don't have to worry about him," Obama admonished.
He then went on to list four reasons why they should give the man some respect.
"First of all, we live in a country that respects free speech. Second of all, it looks like he might have served in our military. We've got to respect that," the President reminded. "Third of all, he was elderly and we've got to respect our elders."
He added, "And fourth of all, don't boo! Vote!"
I have rarely seen a politician as masterful as President Obama when it comes to hecklers, and this election has certainly had their share of them. But this is how it's done -- with class and respect for the other person's right to speak.
Well played, Mr. President.
That didn't stop Fox News' Ed Henry from going to opposite-land, however. If he had actually paid attention instead of making assumptions, he would never have tweeted this:
I had a retort for that: