Rudy Giuliani Admits FBI Leaked Information To The Donald Trump Campaign
Loose lips sink ships.
Rudy Giuliani, gleefully admitted to the Fox and Friends co-hosts today that he knew all about James Comey's letter to Congress before Comey ever sent it and said, "I did nothing to get it out, I had no role in it, did I hear about it? You darn right I heard about it..."
Now we truly need an investigation set up to discover how rogue FBI agents are trying to co-opt our general election and how tied the Trump campaign is to it as a whole.
By the way, Rudy lied on F&F a few hours ago when he said, he had no role in getting the story out because he did something to get it out by promoting that the FBI was dropping a bomb days before on Fox News.
Days before Comey sent a damning letter to Congress about emails found on Weiner's laptop, Giuliani bragged on Fox News last Wednesday that something was coming from Comey and said, "I think he’s got a surprise or two you’re going to hear about in the next two days. I’m talking about some pretty big surprises.”
That segment tells you all you need to now.
The FBI is leaking information to the Trump campaign in an effort to undermine the US election process.
This morning Rudy said, "I’m real careful not to talk to any on-duty, active FBI agents. I don’t want to put them in a compromising position. But I sure have a lot of friends who are retired FBI agents, close, personal friends. All I heard were former FBI agents telling me that there’s a revolution going on inside the FBI and it’s now at a boiling point.”
Rudy's defense is that he never talked to active FBI agents, but why would anyone ever believe that. He's been the most vicious liars of all the Trump surrogates.
He makes it seems like dozens of FBI agents suddenly retired with information the Trump campaign needs to undermine our presidential election.
The Daily Beast's ' Wayne Barrett exposed the incestuous relationship between Giuliani and the FBI.
And I just love when Rudy says that any FBI agent who helps Trump is a hero, but God forbid those agents within the FBI, who want to follow the law.
If there is need of an actual investigation, it's over Rudy Giuliani's ties with the FBI and also with the amount of leaking that's going on from the agency.
FBI agents do not make decisions on what cases get prosecuted, ever. They gather evidence and turn it over the the Justice Department.
We can now see in living color why this is so.
We are witnessing a type of political coup right before our eyes being lead by one of our most trusted investigative bodies.