Rudy Giuliani Gets Mocked For Idiotic Self Promotion To Be Secretary Of State

Joe Scarborough thought Rudy's shameless self promotion for the SOS was "breathtaking."

On MSNBC's Morning Joe, the crew unceremoniously mocked Rudy Giuliani for his ridiculous attempts to self promote himself as the Secretary of State position the WSJ.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski read portions of the article out loud until host Joe Scarborough couldn't take it anymore, interrupted and to guest Jon Meacham, "This is breathtaking. It's unbecoming to say very least."

With the Thanksgiving's Day holiday now in our rear view mirror, the news over the weekend was the very public and weird battle going on within the Trump camp about who should be the next Secretary of State. Some want Mitt Romney, but only if he bows down to kiss the ring and apologize to Trump, while others like Kellyanne Conway are on TV actively campaigning against Mitt.

Like most of Rudy's crazed speeches and words as a Trump surrogate, Rudy pitched himself as the new SOS to the WSJ and said that he knows more about world affairs than anybody else because he took trips to different places over the course of his life.

Really, that's his qualifications.

I probably have traveled in the last 13 years as much as Hillary did in the years she was secretary of state,” Mr. Giuliani said, in a reference to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who lost the presidential race to Mr. Trump. “My knowledge of foreign policy is as good, or better, than anybody they’re talking to,” he said.


“I’ve been to England eight times, Japan six times, France five times. China three times—once with Bill Clinton, by the way,” he said. “You can’t say I don’t know the world.”

Palinesque, much?

Rudy was an embarrassment for much of the election, except to his friends at the FBI that shared secrets with him that helped undermine out election process so I guess he believes this should be he just reward.

Scarborough asked historian Jon Meacham and said. "You're a presidential historian. has this ever happened in the history of at least in our lifetime where somebody for a position as serious as Secretary of State worked so aggressively to box in the president-elect?"

Meacham replied, "Not publicly. you know, as we all know, privately people do everything they possibly can. no. mayor Giuliani trying to present himself as John Quincy Adams is not a winning strategy here. To do this so publicly, I can't think of an analogy."

Mike Barnicle replied, "Everything Rudy Giuliani has said in seeking this job, everything he said publicly is actually a disqualifier."

Scarborough said, "It's a disqualifier."

Mika replied, "He keeps embarrassing the president-elect."

Joe said, "[Rudy] also so erratic he did this and said I'm not going to do it and then he did it again which shows he does not have what it takes to be secretary of state.

Halperin chimed in that he thought neither Romney or Rudy would get the job after all.

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