As Swamp Dwellers Empowered, Some Trump Voters Disillusioned

There is definitely disappointment in Trumpville tonight.

As Swamp Dwellers Empowered, Some Trump Voters Disillusioned

After the Drudge Report announced that Trump was meeting with Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn...

..., there was some disappointment among Trump loyalists.

But Jay is loyal to a fault. It's all eleventy-dimensional chess, don't you know?

SBDru warned him.

ColoradoDon1 is especially aggravated.

He even went to Rush Limbaugh to complain.

Nate Schmidt was distressed, too.

John from Texas was incensed.

Of course, we have no way of knowing whether these are real people or not, because Twitter offers no real way to separate the bots and trolls from real, breathing persons. Well, except for this guy.

I'm guessing these tweets are representative of some Trump voters waking up to the realization that the swamp was what Trump was standing in all through the campaign. Rather than draining it, he's going to restock it with all the ancient creatures he can find, reaching all the way back to Reagan to do it.

Most importantly, this is a shining example of how Trump gaslit the nation. He pointed his finger at Hillary Clinton as the corrupt one for having delivered a few speeches, when his corruption was so deep it could have been seen beneath his thin, shiny orange skin.

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