Trumpista Yells 'We Got Some Hillary Bitches On Here!' At Women On Flight
What a big man, screaming on an airplane at the 'bitches.'
Watch this guy be a total jerk on a flight to Allentown Pennsylvania. Watch Delta Airlines do nothing about it.
Apparently this is now acceptable behavior.
The clip, posted to Twitter by Daily Beast contributing writer Yashar Ali and provided to him by passenger Emma Baum, begins with an unidentified man addressing the other passengers, apparently trying to get them to talk about the election.
He asks them the following while clapping his hands, “Really? Ain’t nobody gonna say no sh*t on this plane?”
After someone said they couldn’t hear him, he made sure they could.
“You can’t hear me,” he exclaimed. “Donald Trump, baby!” He then pointed to another man, saying he knew what was up, before asking if there were any Clinton voters on the flight.
“We got some Hillary bitches on here,” the man wondered. “Come on, baby. Trump!”
The Trump-supporting passenger then continued on for a bit more, telling those seated that he was going to be president of every one of them and if they didn’t like it, “too bad.”
This chest-puffing and bullying has become commonplace just since the election, and it seems as if it's perfectly fine to turn a blind eye to it.
All I can say is this bitch won't be putting up with treatment like that from any small-fingered blowhard. Ever.