WTF, America?
Was it the emails or was it the misogyny?
Honest to God, I don't know what to say.
It's unfathomable to me that our accomplished, wonderful President Obama will be handing the White House to a p*ssy-grabbing misogynist with a penchant for fascism and Vladimir Putin.
It's unfathomable and heartbreaking to me that the Affordable Care Act is going to be repealed.
It's unfathomable to me that the alt-right is now taking power in our country.
As a Christian, it's unfathomable to me that Christians voted for a fascist. And make no mistake, he *is* a fascist.
I don't know what to say. I don't know how to feel.
Was it the emails? Was it Comey? What the fck drove this country into a ditch this way?
But you know, we fight.
We fight.
We fight.
I fight. And this battle is just beginning.
We might be down and disappointed, but we are not defeated. Not by a damn long shot.