Useful Idiot Marsha Blackburn Can't Name A Single Un-vetted Refugee

Rep. Blackburn relentless told CNN that refugees are not vetted when they come into the country, but when asked for proof, her responses turned into gobbledygook.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn couldn't answer a basic question about the U.S vetting process for refugees after she claimed that refugees coming into America are not vetted.

CNN's Brianna Keilar tried, but couldn't get a straight answer out of her when she pressed Rep. Blackburn to give specifics on why she believed refugees were not being vetted.

Keilar said, "You say they're not vetted, and yet I've gone through the process, and it's pretty extensive. The vetting process, for how many different government agencies, the department of homeland security, and you're saying, is that being sidestepped?"

Instead of answering her direct question, Blackburn changed the subject to the state of the "reception centers along our southern border."

Rep. Blackburn tried to portray the quality of "reception centers" as proof that refugees are walking around, unknown to the government after never have been vetted.

Keilar said, "They go through DHS, they go through the FBI, they go through a number of these agencies."

Blackburn replied, "They cannot tell who that individual is who they claim to be many times and that is why until we have a little bit more specificity and some certainty from this process."

Keilar pressed her again. "Do you know of specific instances where people are completely bypassing what is actually a quite labyrinthine process for getting into the country? Are you aware...

Rep. Blackburn interrupted with, "I would encourage you to go and look at some of the reception centers, and talk with some of the caseworkers, and I think that that would --"

Keilar finally had enough and said, "But that's not my question. That's not my question. Are you aware of instances where people are allowed to come to the U.S. even though they can't make it through what is quite a complicated -- there is a vetting system. There is a strong vetting system."

She continued, "I've asked people associated with the Trump campaign and the Trump transition and I've asked them, OK , what's going to change and they don't describe any change from what we already have. They just make it sound like there isn't any sort of vetting process when there actually is."

Blackburn ignored her and begins to speak in gobbledygook tongues. "The things that need to change and what needs to be done, until there is a vetting process where you know the individuals or who they claim to be -- "

Keilar again said, "But we have that."

"No we don't."

Around and around Blackburn went.

When you present proof to Trump or a surrogate, they ignore it completely.

Keilar asked again for a show of proof, "But where are the people who are -- where are the people who are slipping through, that you are talking about?"

(h/t Mediaite)

That's okay, Marsha. We know your real specialty is holding fake (yet very well funded by our TAX DOLLARS) Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Hearings. The Republican Caucus has even doubled the funding for your committee to hold more hearings in the Spring, right? One and a half million taxpayer dollars for your stupid witchhunt. No wonder you skipped your refugee homework last night.

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