CNN Host To Trump: 'You Can't Claim Christmas'

CNN's Kate Bolduan took exception with Donald Trump's claim that he's the one responsible for the growth in the stock market and a possible increase in Christmas spending.

Donald Trump loves to take credit for things he had nothing to do with as long as they are positive and that continued after Christmas had passed.

He tweeted this on Sunday.

CNN's Kate Bolduan started off her panel segment with Republican strategist Alice Stewart and said, "Alice, you can't claim Christmas. Let's just start there."

Even the Republican couldn't bend over that far and said, "That's true. That was kind of a stretch."

As usual, Trump's surrogates always need to interpret for us what Donald actually means since he speaks in a new language called Trumpinese.

Stewart continued, "We have seen tremendous rebounding and growth in the markets, based on his being the president-elect, due in large part to his campaign promises and what we do expect him to follow through on, which is reducing government regulations which has been a big threat to businesses not just in the United States but across the world. So his business policies are certainly helping the economy grow, and that certainly is something that's factually true in that tweet."

A. Scott Bolden then interjected, "Hey Kate, this is Scott, I've got a news flash for Alison as well as Donald Trump. This is still the Obama economy. Median income is up, the stock market was up, and poverty down."

He continued, "This is still Obama's presidency until January 20th. Now, Donald Trump can claim it if he wants to, but also can claim to be Santa Claus and that wouldn't be true."


The stock market has hit all time highs under the evil liberal Grinch for business, President Obama, and spending is way up because the economy has improved and not because of the results of Nov., 8th.

Donald Trump, in case Stewart needs a refresher in present day history, has not instituted one business policy since he's unable to.

Bolduan did slip in a comment that Republicans traders have been making as this portion of their panel ended by saying, "I will say a lot of people are talking about the Trump rally post-November 8th in terms the direction the Dow has been going, but I take your point."

The banks are doing great which is helping to drive the market because with rates going up, banks turn more profits.

Even Howard Gold admitted that the economy is in good shape and earnings are up.

Without that news, nothing good would have ever happened.

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