General Barry McCaffrey: Gen. Michael Flynn’s Tweets ‘Border On Demented’

Second thoughts?

NBC military analyst General Barry McCaffrey, told NBC News via Youtube that he at first was very supportive of Gen. Flynn becoming Trump's national security advisor, but after reading some of his tweets said, “I’m now extremely uneasy about some of these tweets," which "border on being demented."

The online interview continued, “I think that we need to look into this and sort out what's going on.

He continued, “I think that we need to aggressively examine what was going on with Gen. Flynn and his son, dealing with these transparent, nearly demented tweets that were going out. I think it needs closer scrutiny.”

TPM reports, "After Flynn was announced as Trump’s pick for national security adviser, McCaffrey, who appears regularly as a paid analyst on NBC and MSNBC, said that while Flynn's repeated call to lock Hillary Clinton up on the campaign trail “makes most of us in the military very uncomfortable,” he was a good choice for the job.

I'd say describing Flynn's tweets as "demented" sums them up nicely.

I'm sure Fox News' Dr Keith Ablow will blame liberals for Gen. Flynn's behavior.

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