GOP Congressman Urges Everyone To Move On From Russian Hacks, Unite Behind Trump

He can sit down next to the other Republicans who are subverting our democracy.

I think we have the party line on the Russian hacks of our democracy from Republicans now. It is officially, "Move on, nothing to see here."

If only they felt the same way about their bogus BENGHAZI! investigation, eh?

Rep. Chris Collins has some advice for us. Just move on, give it up, nothing to see here.

"I don't think we should continue investigations because at the end, what do we really accomplish," Collins said. "We need to unite the country."

Nope. You don't unite the country by inviting a bunch of conspiracy theorists and Putin allies into our government right after Putin's Russian hackers have interfered in our elections. Just no.

He continued, "People who are calling on Mr. Trump, the electoral college president, that's insulting to our democracy."

No, Representative Collins. Here is what's insulting to our democracy. Republicans crawling into bed with a hostile foreign power to subvert our free and fair elections so they can assume power. That's insulting.

In some countries, they call that a coup.

When confronted by host Alisyn Camerota about how he can possibly say to just move on and it's fine, Collins threw his hands in the air, saying, "There's nothing we can do to change it. The truth came out."

Actually, no. The truth has not come out. We know only the most basic information, which is that there is evidence that Russia interfered in our elections. That's all we know at this point. It's not enough.

Then Collins had the utter nerve to blame the DNC for being hacked. He actually spun the Podesta emails as some terrible, awful, horrible thing. Which they were not. They were ordinary campaign emails which ordinary people could be forgiven for sending when they thought they were private communications.

He went on to say that Americans were just upset by the truth of what the hacks revealed, and that's just not anyone's fault and so we should just get over ourselves.

Camerota strongly objected, reminding Collins that "Russia, one of our often-enemies, meddled in the U.S. election and could have subverted democracy. That's what they're upset about."

Collins finished off this terrible segment by reminding everyone to "move on and unite behind President Trump."

This is where I add Collins to the growing group of Republicans who are among those who have or are in the process of intentionally aiding and abetting foreign aggression against American democracy.

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