I Can't Wait To Hear Donald Trump Discuss 'HIS' Unemployment Numbers
Will the media let Trump continue to get away with lying abut the unemployment rate when he takes office?
Donald Trump said this about the "real" unemployment rate back in February 8th, "I am going to be the greats jobs president that God ever created. Don't believe those phony numbers. When you hear 4.9 and 5% unemployment. The numbers probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently, 42%."
As you know, that's a bold faced lie. Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post gave him Four Pinocchios, for that ridiculous claim.
How did he come up with that you number, you ask?
Glenn Kessler explained, "He was counting every single adult American who did not have a job, regardless of whether they wanted one. So he said the “unemployed” should include people who are retired, are students or are stay-at-home parents. That’s obviously absurd."
Lies, conspiracy theories and exaggerations are the only types of information Trump seems to study and transmit.
You'd figure by now he'd at least stop lying about the unemployment rate, right?
On Dec., 8th in a Des Moines rally, Trump said, "The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction. If you look for a job for six months and then you give up, they consider you give up. You just give up. You go home. You say, ‘Darling, I can’t get a job.’ They consider you statistically employed. It’s not the way. But don’t worry about it because it’s going to take care of itself pretty quickly.
Kessler makes a good point when he says, "In claiming that the unemployment rate is “total fiction,” Trump does a disservice to the career professionals he will soon oversee as president. He should take the time to understand the reasons and rationale behind the official unemployment figure, so he does not incorrectly describe it to crowds of supporters. After all, these numbers will soon be released with the imprimatur of his administration."
Trump is taking over at a time when the unemployment rate is low and the economy is doing well compared to when George Bush turned a global financial meltdown over to President Obama.
I tweeted this out on 12/2/16, comparing the two different inherited economies.
I had to retweet and rephrase it because Trump supporters believed Obama was actually the president in December of 2008.
While the economy was still melting down after the crash, unemployment rose to 10%.
In 2011, it was at 9.1% ,but has lowered to 4.6 %.
Obviously there is much to improve still, but recovering from a world wide depression-like catastrophe doesn't happen in a vacuum.
How much you wanna bet that Trump suddenly uses the Bureau of Labor Statistics U-3 rate when he takes office?