It's C&L's 2016 Winter Fundraiser Bonanza! Please Donate Early And Often
Did you say baa-humbug?
In the age of Trump, fake news is all we hear about these days because it mirrors perfectly the type of presidential campaign he ran. It's more important now than ever to have online resources that break through fakery to get to the facts.
At C&L, we always try and cut through the noise and give you up to the minute breaking news, videos and analysis, along with a place to share your thoughts too. So this year, don't give a candle like the ladies in the video, light one instead with a donation to C&L.
One of my goals for 2017 is to start a weekly C&L podcast which will feature newsmakers, politicians, wonks and the kind of people you'd want to hear from and then hopefully nurture that into something more robust.
Let's face it, though. Independent sites like ours only survive with help from you. We don't have big money backers or unlimited funding sources. Only you, through your support and your donations.
Right now, we can really use your help.
It's fundraiser time!
Your kind donations will help get our new projects off the ground and keep us going strong for years to come.
You can hit the donate button above, or send a check to us here:
P.O. BOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066
So please, donate whatever you can.
Even better, please consider a monthly donation of $10 to $25 dollars to help keep us serving up great video, writing, and more for you as we move into the Era of Trump.