DC Neighborhood Gives Mike Pence An Unconventional Welcome

As Pence and his family look for houses to rent, the residents of Chevy Chase Maryland have a message for him.

Welcome to Chevy Chase, Mike Pence! The residents of this fair town welcome you, and also have a message to share.

According to DCist.com, residents of Chevy Chase, a pricey DC suburb, are offering a gentle message to the Pence family:

The tony upper Northwest neighborhood got a powerful, if temporary, resident when Vice President-elect Mike Pence rented a home there ahead of inauguration. Within days, a number of his neighbors installed rainbow flags—a proud, flying rebuke of Pence's record of opposing gay rights and promoting "conversion therapy."

Now, a series of signs declaring that "This Neighborhood Trusts Women" have started popping up in the area, including one directly across the street from the 5-bedroom house that Pence and his family have rented.

The lawn signs are courtesy of NARAL Pro-Choice America, which advocates for abortion rights around the country.

"Part of our charge following the election is making sure that Mike Pence knew just how off base he was with the majority of Americans when it comes to abortion access," says NARAL's communications director Kaylie Hanson Long. "The best way to let him know that is to go literally right to his door step and tell him."

When the group knocked on doors to see if neighbors were interested in making a statement, they were overwhelmingly enthusiastic, according to deputy field organizer Anne Bailey. A mere 6.5 percent of the local precinct voted for the president-elect. "They were glad to have a way to show their resistance to the anti-choice and anti-woman agenda," Bailey says.

If the goal is to change the hearts and minds of haters, maybe this is a good start. But color me skeptical.

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