Secretary Of Labor-To-Be Is Either A Wife Beater Or A Drunk Driver -- Or Both
Andrew Puzder, head of CKE Enterprises and soon-to-be Secretary of Labor, has a checkered, drunken, violent past.
Andrew Puzder, Donald Trump's choice for Secretary of Labor, follows in the footsteps of his boss and his boss's closest counsel -- Stephen Bannon. Not only ideologically, but they also share the dubious distinction of both having domestic violence charges filed against them.
According to a report by the RiverFront Times, Puzder's ex-wife Lisa Henning alleged that "Puzder hit her, threw her to the floor and unplugged the phone after she tried to call the police for her help."
Puzder ducked the allegations by admitting he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back. Oh, how many times have we heard these half-denials before they're believed?
There were two other alleged incidents, both of which were shrugged off or denied.
The divorce filing also detailed two other incidents: One in the late '70s in which the neighbors called the police after a shouting match turned into a plate-throwing fight, and one in which Lisa Henning alleged that Puzder punched her in 1985 while they were driving in a car. Questioned about the incident in a deposition for the divorce case, Puzder said that he had not punched his wife, but acknowledged driving onto the curb: "I think it had to do with the liquid refreshment we had with our dinner more than anything else."
I guess he felt as though admitting to drunk driving was easier than admitting he punched his wife.
Anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of an authoritarian, wife-beating jerk like this can write the excuses before they're even uttered. They "pushed her" but didn't "punch her." Remember Todd Kincannon's nonsense about how a mixture of cough medication turned him into a monster abusing his wife, who had the sense to at least record his tirade on her phone?
But hey -- beating your wife is a thing in the Trump administration. Ivana Trump accused Donald Trump of it during their divorce. Stephen Bannon's ex-wife, whom he left right after she gave birth to twin daughters, was also abused, according to court declarations made under oath. You can read the full declarations here, including the way he tried to force the twins' mother to send them to an authoritarian Catholic school by failing to make the payments he had agreed to whilst making well over $500,000 per year.
Puzder, a forced-birth zealot, made his name authoring anti-abortion laws before he went to CKE Enterprises. His labor record is just about as good as his marriage and driving records are. Here's his little rant about automating fast food businesses, because robots are great when compared to humans.
Trump voters, you broke it. Now you're gonna buy it, whether you want to or not. This will be an administration which has zero regard for women, workers, poor people, the environment, the middle class, and more.