Please Donate To C&L's 2016 End Of Year Fundraiser

It's that time of year where we turn to you for support.

It's been a long, hard year for our readers and our staff and it's finally winding down. As I do at the end of every year, we ask for our readers to pitch in a little something to help us maintain.

2017 should be another insane time in American politics.

This past year was insane as we've all witnessed and it's not going to let up any time soon, so please help us out.

C&L still posts and personally hosts more videos than any website, ever, and that costs cold hard cash.

So please, donate whatever you can.

And if you can afford it, a recurring payment of ten to twenty five dollars a month would be awesome too.

You can hit the donate button above, or send a check to us here:

P.O. BOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066

It's harder than ever for bloggers to sustain themselves, so please click on the donate button above or use our PO Box.

Give what you can and if you can afford a little extra, we'd really appreciate it. You can also sign up as an automatic donor as well.

Your generosity helps keep us going.

Thanks so much,
John Amato

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