Please Help C&L's 2016 End Of The Year Fundraiser
Please help us defend our democracy against the swamp of billionaires that will infest the White House!
So how do we effectively combat the constant flow of lies coming from Donald Trump and his surrogates?
We need your help.
Let's face it. Independent sites like ours only survive with help from you. We don't have big money backers or unlimited funding sources. Only you, through your support and your donations, keep this site going.
Right now, you can make a difference.
It's fundraiser time!
Your kind donations of any amount will help get our new projects off the ground and keep us going strong for years to come. YOU pay for server space so if a video is taken down elsewhere, it's still here. That space costs money. You "build the wall" that keeps what Trump really said, out there for all to see. It matters in the Era of Corporate Media and an administration that cares nothing about ethics.
You directly protect honest accountability for Trump AND the media with your donation. Thank you.
You can hit the donate button above, or send a check to us here:
P.O. BOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066
So please, donate whatever you can.
Even better, please consider a monthly donation of $5, $10 to $25 dollars to help keep us serving up great video, writing, and more for you as we move with resolve into the Era of Trump.