Sen. Schumer Joins Republicans Calling For Special Senate Committee To Investigate Russia

The new Senate Democratic Leader joins Republican Senators in calling for a special inquiry into the extent of Russia's interference in America's presidential election.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, the new leader of the Senate Democrats has joined with Sen. Jack Reed, John McCain and Lindsey Graham and is calling for GOP leadership to create a new select committee on cybersecurity to investigate Russian hacking. in a letter that was released yesterday.

We know that Sen. Mitch McConnell will resist all attempts at getting to the bottom of Russia's involvement because of the potential it holds to tar the Trump administration.

His call for the Senate intelligence committee investigation is not nearly strong enough to get to the bottom of this huge problem and he knows it.

In the joint letter, the four Senators wrote, "Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American. Cybersecurity is the ultimate cross-jurisdictional challenge, and we must take a comprehensive approach to meet this challenge effectively."

They continued, "We share your respect for, and deference to, the regular order of the Senate, and we recognize that this is an extraordinary request. However, we believe it is justified by the extraordinary scope and scale of the cyber problem. Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to address this unique challenge."

In his own NY presser, Sen. Schumer said this:

In New York, Schumer flatly said an Intelligence Committee investigation was “not good enough.”

“First, things could be left out. There could be holes that no committee covers,” Schumer said during his news conference. “Second, we could get contradictory information. … And third, the existing committees are very, very busy.”

Last week both McCain and Schumer joined CBS to discuss the need for a select committee

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