Trump's OMB Pick Spoke At John Birch Society? Of Course!

You can never go too far right for the Trump administration.

Trump's OMB Pick Spoke At John Birch Society? Of Course!

After NBC News broke the story that Vladimir Putin was directly involved in disrupting our election, I tweeted this.

Who knew that Trump's pick for Budget Director actually accepted an invitation to speak to the conspiracy laden John Birch Society?

Mother Jones reported, "Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), the ultra-conservative congressman tapped by Donald Trump to run the Office of Management and Budget, recently accepted a speaking invitation from the notorious John Birch Society, an extreme right-wing group known for peddling outlandish conspiracy theories for more than half a century.

In the 50's and early 60's, The John Birch Society was very much like the "alt-Right" of today. It had millions of followers, who reveled in conspiracy theories, including one that claimed President Eisenhower was a commie infiltrator. And when Barry Goldwater ran for president, William F. Buckley persuaded him to disavow at least their leader, Robert Welch, because of his crazy and very extreme views.

Now under Trump, the extremists are taking root, so it makes sense when you look at Mulvaney's take as a debt-ceiling denier that Donald Trump picked him for the job at OMB.

When asked about speaking at the event, he replied “I regularly speak to groups across the political spectrum because my constituents deserve access to their congressman,” the Indian Land Republican said in a statement. “I can’t remember ever turning down an opportunity to speak to a group based on the group’s political ideology.”

I wonder when he's planning to address South Carolina's KKK after he gets an invite from the Grand Dragon?

Mother Jones also reported, "He told his audience, 'You all put out some really good stuff and it's always interesting.'"

There's no right that's too far right for this White House.

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