To Win The Public's Trust, FBI Director Comey Must Be Fired By Obama

The American people have lost trust in the FBI, so what's to be done?

To Win The Public's Trust, FBI Director Comey Must Be Fired By Obama

The influence James Comey's infamous letter he sent to Congress ten days before the general election cannot be overlooked.

538's Nate Silver, the numbers guru has postulated that Comey did swing the election to Trump.

The idea that Comey was compelled to inform Congress with a horrifically worded letter is nonsense.

The FBI Director knew the consequences of his actions and plainly said so to his own agents in an email to the bureau.

Of course, we don't ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record. At the same time, however, given that we don't know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don't want to create a misleading impression. In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directly from me about it.

What a crock. He not only helped flip the presidency, but aided the GOP in keeping the Senate as well.

William W. Keller wrote a scathing article for The Hill called "Time to fire FBI Director James Comey."

He explains how the FBI, which had a tainted record thanks to J.Edgar Hoover's actions, must be called to the carpet once again to help insure a message is sent to the intelligence communities.

President Obama, of course, took the opposite position, ordering a full inquiry into the matter. And now, outgoing Senate Minority leader Harry Reid says Congress should investigate FBI Director James Comey’s attempt to sway the election. “Comey,” he said, “who’s of course a Republican…has let the country down for partisan purposes.”

It would be prudent to wait for President Obama’s report before evaluating Mr. Trump’s denial of Russia’s partisan hacking exploits. But, Reid is right about Comey and the time to act is now. The FBI’s intervention in the 2016 presidential election cannot be tolerated. His excuse—that he had to keep Congress informed about the highly partisan issue of Hillary Clinton’s emails in the closing days of the campaign—carries no water. The best course would be to dismiss the FBI director immediately. This would send an unmistakable signal to heads of other government agencies—especially the Intelligence Community—that elections are off limits.

President Obama should then turn his eye towards the NY field office that leaked like a sieve to Rudy Giuliani and Fox News, which helped pile on more lies after the explosive Comey letter was sent to help destroy the election process.

Not only does the Director need to be taken to the woodshed, but all those agents who violated the Hatch Act and engaged in partisan politics as government employees.

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