CNBC Billionaire Host: 'Get Used To [Trump's] Little Conflicts' Of Interest

Apparently making millions of dollars off The Office of the President only constitutes a small problem.

CNBC’s host of Billion Dollar Buyer told MSNBC that Trump would never put his business in a blind trust and we should "get used to his little conflicts” of interest.

Making millions and millions of dollars off the Office of the President only rates as "little" to Fertitta.

Wow, just wow.

After President Obama's former ambassador Norm Eisen explained how Trump's many conflicts of interests are violating the Constitution, Tilman Fertitta said, "First thing, we have to discount everything Norm said because he's so partisan, OK?"

Nevermind that, as we have reported earlier, Eisen's New York Times op-ed questioning Trump's conflicts was co-written with a Bush Administration ethics officer.

Because who cares about facts?

Ruhle was shocked and replied, "And so is Donald Trump."

I guess Tilman has no political leanings one way or the other, right?

Tilman Fertitta, is CEO of the multi-billion dollar Landry's, Inc, told MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle, "He's the President-elect, OK? He is going to have conflicts of interest, okay?"


We all understand that, Tilman. That's why we have the Emoluments Clause so politicians can't make millions off their political power.

And that's why Trump needs to sell his businesses if he wants to remain President.

Fertitta said, "He is no more going to put it in a blind trust ---that's why we elected him President, is because he's a true Chief Executive Officer and he knows how to tell people what to do."

He continued, "He needs to put one of his kids in charge of the business, who comes to no meetings at the white house, ever, okay? But you are not going to stop him from talking to his one son that is running the business, Okay? It's his business, it's a family business, a blind trust means, you have a trustee that can just sell it. It's never happening. Get used to his little conflicts. He isn't going to do anything major."

When Ruhle pointed out how Trump has already created a multitude of problems because of business ties to Indonesia she said, "This is the world we're now living in and you're saying, you get what you get and you don't get upset?"

He replied "I'm not saying, you don't get upset. The media will watch him. but he is going to have some conflicts. You can't help it. That's why we elected him President, Stephanie."

Oh, no! Trump wasn't elected so he could make billions of dollars for his own interests from the Oval Office. Those who voted for him believed he would help the American people.

Tilman did say Trump shouldn't develop any more new business with foreign countries, but what about his old business?

Norm jumped back in and said they outrage is not partisan since so many Republicans are upset about Trump's conflicts.

Eisen said, "Peter Schweizer, who wrote "Clinton Cash," John Pudner, the Tea Party leader. They oppose what Trump is doing with these enormous conflicts. Tilman, these are not small. Number two, this is a Constitutional violation. He's getting foreign cash flowing in from foreign governments all over the world and that violates the Constitutional prohibition on emoluments."

Trump needs help from his very rich friends and his surrogates to deflect and normalise his monstrous money grabs that are already happening before he even assumes office ... and Fertitta is up to the task.

If Hillary had one and done one-tenth of what Trump is doing, Fertitta and company would be setting fire to the White House. And there's your partisanship.

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