Cory Booker: ACA Repeal Like Shoving Someone Off A Cliff

His appearance on Face the Nation described the situation perfectly.

Appearing on Face the Nation Sunday, Cory Booker criticized cynical Republicans for their stance on the ACA repeal-and-delay absurdity.

"This isn't about politics," Booker said. "This is about real people in America who will be hurt immediately."

After pointing out that the AMA (who opposes the Affordable Care Act), doesn't want it repealed without a replacement, he dropped the other shoe.

"This is akin to shoving someone off a cliff and as they're falling down saying don't worry, we'll figure it out before you get to the bottom," he concluded.

Yes, this is exactly what it is. What Senator Booker doesn't seem to understand about his Republican colleagues is this: They're just fine with shoving Americans off a cliff, whether it's Medicare or the ACA. It's what they want, what they've lived for.

No "working across the aisle" on this, Senator Booker. The goal here is to get wobbly Republicans on board with blocking repeal, not enabling a lame replacement.

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