Donald Trump Refuses To Release Tax Returns, Again

Deny, deflect, derp. More lies from Herr Trump..

Arriving late to what was supposed to amount to a press conference, Trump, as expected, avoided answering any questions of a 'delicate' manner. Never mind the latest revelations from intelligence, someone asked him if he would release the tax returns. I'm sure you can guess what his response was.

REPORTER: Do you believe the hacking was justified and will you release your tax returns to prove what you're saying about no deals in Russia?

TRUMP: I'm not releasing the tax returns because as you know, they're under audit.

REPORTER: they've been under audit since the '70s.

TRUMP: The only one that cares about my tax returns are the reporters, okay?

REPORTER: You don't think the american public is concerned about it?

TRUMP: I don't think so. I won. No, I don't think they care at all. I think you care. I don't think they care at all. I think you care. First of all, you learn very little to a tax return. You should go down to federal elections and take a look at the numbers. People have learned a lot about my company, and now they realize, my company is much bigger, more powerful than they ever thought. My two sons, Uday and Qusay Don Jr. and Eric, are going to be running the company. They're going to be running it in a professional manner. ....they're not going to discuss it with me.

Yeah, your company is big AND powerful. It seems Donald Trump Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vladimir Putin's autocratic Russia. I'm sure his two endangered species-hunter progeny will never discuss anything about his company. He's been so forthcoming thus far, one can conclude this is also the god's honest truth, right?


Keep in mind, this man will be the "Lord" of the IRS in only nine days. What will his excuse be then? He knows that his omnipotence over these governmental agencies will exempt him from having to disclose his returns. The more he denies us a look into those returns, the more we suspect they are damning indeed.

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