Even Mike Huckabee Believes Trump Is Whack For Touting Phony Voter Fraud

Even a broken clock is right twice a day!

Donald Trump has turned fevered swamp conspiracy theories into news that must be covered by the press.

His latest one has to do with all those brown people, who are illegally voting against him and if not for them, he'd have won the popular vote too.

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee, who finished second to John McCain in 2008 for the Republican presidential nomination and is as solid a Trump surrogate as there is, can't figure out why Trump is bringing up the illegal voters, yet again.

He was on with Maria Bartiromo and she asked him, "What's your take on President Trump talking about illegals voting?"

Huckabee said, "I have no evidence whatsoever and I don't know that anyone does that there were that many illegal people who voted and frankly it doesn't matter."

Mike continued, "He's the president and I'm not sure why he brought it up."

Huckabee is stumped as we all are!

We know Republicans in favor of voter ID laws are happy he's pushing this nonsense, but what happens when he fails to release his secret information, just like his tax returns ? What happens when in the next press briefing when Spicer turns belligerent again because he's unable to provide that secret information?

And let's face it, Rep. Steve King has a very diseased brain if he thinks by doing his very own "extrapolation calculation" on two counties in Virginia, and pulling the number 2.4 million "illegal" voters out of his bung hole is concrete proof of anything.

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