Just Hush, David Axelrod. Let John Lewis Be.

Axelrod seems to think legitimate concerns over foreign interference by a hostile foreign leader are a threat to our institutions.

The question was a terrible one, but David Axelrod's answer was worse, particularly in light of everything we now know about Vladimir Putin's interference in the election.

When asked by Jim Sciutto whether it was fair for the tables to be turned by Rep. Lewis questioning the legitimacy of Trump's election, Axelrod's answer was infuriating.

First, Axelrod understands that people are understandably still outraged about how republicans treated President Obama. Led by Trump and others, the birther charges questioned his legitimacy from Day One. How mighty big of him. But wow to the next part.

Don't miss the irony.

"But the greatest triumph for Russia would be to legitimate their charges about our democracy and I worry about our institutions. I worry that we're in this mad cycle of destruction," Axelrod replied.

Because of course Putin's interference doesn't undermine our institutions at all. But wait! It gets better.

"I understand the outrage. but where is this all going? One of my great concerns about the President-elect is that I think sometimes he has disregard for our institutions and norms and that contributes to a weakening of our democracy," he continued. Having a Russian puppet isn't at all a weakening of our democracy, though. Right, David?

He dropped this as the punch line. "So, I just don't want to see this constant churning that leads to kind of a reflexive reaction every time a president gets elected who we don't like,"

Does he think Rep. John Lewis isn't attending the inaugural because he doesn't like Donald Trump? NO. He isn't attending because he believes Trump won by illegitimate means, and it is apparently an issue of enough concern that Senator Burr now plans to investigate Trump's connections to Russia, just one day after he said he would not.

If Axelrod is so concerned about our institutions being eroded, doesn't he think it's a good idea not to elect a president with help from foreign influences? And if such a thing happened, isn't it also a good idea not to legitimize Trump?

Seriously, David. Just sit down and listen to what the wise and respected Representative has to say. Listen to all of us who are absolutely in hair-on-fire mode over a stolen election not by our own Republican party this time, but someone outside of our country. Over a stolen election that may well install a puppet friendlier to Russian interests than our own.

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