Disgraced Ambush Filmmaker O'Keefe Gets Owned By Progressive Group

O'Keefe and his cohorts get what they deserve for their collusion to incite violence and break the law with Donald Trump.

It's no secret that the Trump campaign and James O'Keefe's shameful Project Veritas are partners in crime. Trump as much as admitted his affinity for the illegal hack journalism of the Breitbart protege by accusing Hillary Clinton's campaign of Project Veritas' handiwork, which incited violence at a Chicago Trump rally.

O'Keefe has been heartily defended by the likes of Hugh Hewitt and Megyn Kelly, to no one's surprise. MSNBC has no problem employing 'journalists' like Kelly who have lent their credibility to many a charlatan.

LAUREN WINDSOR (narrator): Convicted criminal and right-wing con artist James O'keefe and his cohorts in the Trump Foundation-funded Project Veritas are at it again; this time, infiltrating progressive groups in an attempt to create a storyline smearing progressives by promising to fund money for violent schemes to unsuspecting advocates. But this time the tables were turned. We received a tip on suspicious behavior and immediately recognized O'Keefe's malicious handiwork. We partnered with Ryan Clayton of Americans Take Action and launched a counter-sting.

The video shows Allison Maass, who goes by a pseudonym, Allison Brandt, O'Keefe's operative, offer to pay Clayton large sums of money to break the law and disrupt the Presidential Inauguration. Maass wanted to help progressive groups break the law and disrupt the events of January 20, 2017. She realized soon enough, that she was being had.

The footage also shows Donald Jr. praising the work of O'Keefe and his cohorts.

D. TRUMP JR: James O'Keefe right over there that did a video. He did a great job and I think he's doing the American people a great service.

Clayton tries to confirm what Maass (Brandt) is suggesting.

CLAYTON: You'll pay like a hundred thousand dollars to shut down the bridge, incite a riot and make sure that we packed the media narrative on Inauguration.

She concurs, that's exactly what they do.

The narrator ties everything neatly together in an easily digested sound bite.

WINDSOR: Is it any surprise that James O'Keefe was Donald Trump's personal guest at the final presidential debate, thus providing Trump with the proof of voter fraud that he had previously lacked? James O'Keefe, Breitbart News, Stephen Bannon and Donald Trump: all the pieces of this puzzle have now come together. This has all the hallmarks of a Republican dirty-tricks campaign run amok. Lee Atwater and Richard Nixon would be so proud!

How much did Donald Trump know and when did he know it and is James O'Keefe still conducting political hit jobs on the president-elect's behalf?

We would all like to know that answer.

In this up is down, black is white world in which we now reside, those openly perpetrating fraud are now 'service providers.' Get it?

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